Manoa Recipes



Deployed website

Project’s home page on Github

College students are busy, especially if they are trying to juggle school with work, extracurricular activities, etc. Therefore, what to eat can be a struggle for students and the last thing on their minds. Manoa Recipes is a web application I made as part of a group project for my ICS 314 class that aims to help students with this problem. It aims to provide students access to low budget, easy and creative recipes they can make at home, instead of eating out.

There are three roles in Manoa Recipes, students, vendors and admins. Students can both search for and contribute recipes. Students can search for recipes based off of specific ingredients and can filter out vegan and gluten-free recipes.

Vendors like local grocery stores can login and their profile will have their name, location and hours as well as the ingredients they sell, with their prices.

Admins are able to edit all content in the system and delete any inappropriate content.

My Contributions

For this project, I created the “Home” page where after successfully logging in, users will be shown a randomly selected recipe. I also created the “List Recipe” page and the “Vendors” page. The “List Recipe” page lists all of the recipes uploaded to the application and allows user to filter based on the dietary restrictions, vegan and gluten-free. The “Vendors” page lists all of the vendors currently registered in the application and clicking on “Products” will bring a drop-down showing what the vendor has in stock with the ingredients’ prices.

In addition, I was responsible for deploying our web application using Digital Ocean.

Key Takeaways

This project taught me about the agile project management process called IDPM - issue driven project management (we used Github Project as a visual board for task management). This project also helped to reinforce everything we have been learning throughout the course such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Meteor, etc. In addition, I learned how to deploy a website and was exposed to MongoDB - learning how to create collections and how to pull in data. I also learned how to make a website reactive and how to work in a group. In the end, it was very satisfying to work together and see how our individual ideas came together into one real working web application.