Analyzing Live Streaming Community Dynamics


I participated in a program called AI4ALL, which partnered with various schools like UH Manoa to introduce students to artificial intelligence and machine learning. I learned about various machine learning algorithms like the KNN algorithm, along with learning about the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning. In addition, I was also introduced to the ethical sides of AI, such as learning about both the positive and negative impacts of AI on society.

Streamers on Twitch

For our group project, we decided to investigate the top 1000 Twitch streamers, their community and streaming dynamics using this Kaggle dataset. My group and I decided to utilize Linear Regression to predict the amount of followers gained based on various factors like watch time, peak viewers, etc. After obtaining the scatterplots, we calculated the accuracy score to determine how well our data was suitable for linear regression. Another model we tried after linear regression was the random forest model, which is another supervised learning model.

This project taught me a lot such as working with Jupyter and using Python for data analysis and data visualization. I learned how you can use various Python libraries to implement various algorithms on a dataset. In addition, this project also taught me how to work in a team with different dynamics.